Song of the glacier
1- Love song
2- Im sitting in the snow
3- Andy Wahrol touch my camera
Mér finnst gaman að ganga
Neverending time
I´m hiking the glacier and I video tape it
Film, 3 minutes, 2019
I´m looking at the centre of the earth
Random, in the book " visionnary art", defines the fantasy genre as a real vision. In the book "visionary art", defines the fantasy genre as a real vision.
He writes: "The desire to communicate with the gods, the fairies, the gnomes, the power to split, to cross the universe flying, even to confront the monsters, snakes and dragons, the winged knight of formerly and the superman of today are so many interior or fantastic themes of the fantasy".
This movie is a non-fiction fantasy.
Eg elska þig Susan Sontag
I wrote in the sand of Snæfelsness, a text about Susan Sontag.
She had herself visited the glacier. In a New York Times
article, she describes the glacier as "a laboratory of the new, the unsettling (...)". The work I performed on the sand in Hellissandur is a work of Land Art. I traced a text in the
The apple
Film, 2 minutes 36
In the left panel of the painting, Garden of Earthly Delights of Jerome Bosh, God presents Adam in a landscape, apparently the garden of Eden. Bosh´s highly
imaginative settings includes an odd pink fountain like structure in a body of water and an array of fanciful and abnormals animals. The central panel is a continuation of Paradise, a sunlit landscape filled with people including exotic figures of african descent.
The Doomed Land
Documentary, colour, 15min
The Montagne Pelée, is a semi-active volcano at the northern end of Martinique, in the Lesser Antilles island arc of the Carribean. The plot of the documentary is the story of the Indians Caribs who was leaving in the town of Saint Pierre, near the explosive active volcano Mount Pelee.
Margin Border
Film super 8, color, 21 min
Im looking for the center of the world in Jerusalem
Nyc, 12 min
Documentary super 8, black and white
I got a job as film maker for the United Nations in New Yorkconcerning the performance of the theatre play MIKA, a play developed and performed by the theatre group ensemble Tiyatroglobal inspired by the UN Secretary-General call to Unite to End Violence against Women, which seeks to demonstrate the diverse manifestations of violence against women and how we can all make a difference in creating a world where women are respected. Event organized by the UN Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women and the UN Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality.
The Divine Comedie
Iceland 2007
6 min
Super 8, colour
Arnarstapi was an important trading post in the past and had a much bigger
population than it has now. Columnar basalt, ravines and grottoes surround the Arnarstapi pier. If you take a guided tour, you will also hear a ghost story.
La Fournaise
India Ocean, 2007
7 min
Documentary, super 8 colour
Le Piton de la fournaise, "Peak of the Furnace" is a shield volcano on the eastern side Reunion island.
Travel to the centre of the earth
Iceland, 2005
19 min
Documentary, colour
The Mount Snaellness and the peak of Snaefellsjokull is most famously recognized as the gateway down in Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth, but these days the glacier is known for a different kind of descent. The film maker, Anne Herzog, spent 3 months as house keeping in the hotels of the area.